the diamond that started it all

the diamond that started it all


welcome to my mission is to give you a glimps of my life as a mother, wife, decorator, painter, and active woman. my inspiration comes from traveling, my education, and my family and friends. i have to admit upfront, however, that my "education" does not include a background in english, so please be patient with my grammar and spelling. i am, however, happy to share on this blog what i learn in my daily life from painting and decorating. here you will also find a real account of my struggles, my experiences, and my many reasons to rejoice. april, or the month of the diamond, is when my first and only daughter, mollie, was born. she is the reason i am a joyful mother, wife, and person today. i appreciate your time, and thank you in advance for your advice. perhaps one day you will be reading from my website but for now this homemade blog will do:-)
love, laura

Thursday, September 15, 2011

not a bad place to be: home

for me, decorating is a never-ending project. being one of four siblings i can always pass along my college desk or my yard sale make-do side table. having the privilege to hand down or trade with my family adds excitement to the process especially since i am at home quite a bit. i never want decorating to feel like a job. one day if i am in the right place i would love to start my own decorating business BUT i want to be prepared. to do the job i desire it takes a lot of time and organization-both precious things i do not have at this point. for now, i will continue to decorate in the privacy of my own home. i wanted to share a few photos of places that i presently feel confident with. that doesn't mean i will never want to change anything...i might move furniture around tomorrow! my decorating advice is this: choose things you absolutely love (not just think you need to have because society tells you that) and everything will fall into place. OR don't listen to me because like my wise friend once said, "i love your decorating style, laura. it's so unique. nothing matches."

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